Monday, January 14, 2008

It's about time!

I know - I haven't even looked at my blog since last October. I dropped out of posting way back then because I was starting to work on my family of penguins halloween costumes and just haven't made it back here. So - with the new year starting I am going to try to get back into it. Unfortunately, we only have 2 pictures of us like this - and no side views so you can't see the black part of the costumes very well. They look so much better from the side. Oh well - better than nothing. We had a lot of fun at our friends party, and got lots of comments on the costumes. It was a lot of sewing but well worth the effort. It was also a lot of fabric and other materials - so I would reccommend taking advantage of coupons and sales if you want to try this. I especially liked Zane's grey baby penguin. (that's Dumbo that he is holding).
So, I am trying to make a come back. Happy New Year - a little late, hopefully I'll post again soon.

1 comment:

BAAbins said...

Great to see you post again! Costumes are a riot. Thanks for sharing!