Saturday, September 1, 2007

Well - here goes!

I am hoping this blog will encourage me to finish all my old projects. Now I need to dig out all the old stuff and take pictures of them so I can list them all. Maybe that will get me started on finishing.

This summer I didn't do very much knitting because I realized that all my old stuff required me to read a chart or keep track of shaping or something to keep me from doing it while talking, watching t.v., etc... so that just left knitting socks....and I got tired of that. I did do a lot of reading this summer; Harry Potter of course, but also found a great series A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin. I burned through that series and am waiting for the 5th book in the series due out this year sometime?

Now that the kids will be back in school and fall is approaching I am getting back into the knitting, and spinning.

My other goal is to try to make a blog that is not too boring. I'll try to include lots of pictures. This picture is my small hobby farm which includes 4 Corriedale sheep -Thelma in front, and Cupcake in back, along with 2 Great Pyrenees livestock guardian dogs -Clover (in background) and Rex.

1 comment:

BAAbins said...

Great to see you are online! Good pictures!