Finally, I have a free day to blog some more. This morning I went on a picture taking spree around the house, taking pictures of projects I am working on.
While most of these are knitting projects, my main project is my niece’s quilt. I have been working on this little gem on and off (mostly off) for several years now. This quilt was intended as a wedding present for Kerri and SuThanh when they got married FOUR YEARS AGO! Now they have 2 kids! So, needless to say, I really need to get this one done and out of here. It is slow going because I am hand quilting it. Lately, I have been doing a lot – basically forcing myself to work on it every day. It is an Irish chain pattern with a really cool blue/green batik fabric on a white background. The picture doesn’t do it justice. In person, this quilt is really cool. So, anyway that is my number one project.

As for knitting, now that my kids are back in school I got out the polar bear. This is a really fun polar bear rug made with Lion brand Fun Fur and Jiffy yarn. It is from Knit Simple magazine winter 2005 issue. It is fun to knit, and goes pretty fast. It is made by holding 3 strands of fun fur together with 1 strand of Jiffy. It does take a lot of Fun Fur so it is best to watch the JoAnn fabric stores for a sale before buying the yarn. My friend Deanna made two of these for her grandsons, so I got the “wait for a sale” tipoff from her. We both got the Fun Fur when it was $1.00 a skein so that was nice. I did encounter a mistake with the head instructions which is right where I am at now, so I am trying to find the correction on the magazines web site. Deanna fudged the head when she came to the mistake, so if I can't find the correction I'll have to as well. I think I am going to make this one for my son Blais, then I will have to get more yarn and make a different color bear for Zane. I think the hardest part is choosing a color.
Well, not suprisingly, this ate up a lot of time - because I am so technically inept. I finally got the pictures where I wanted them. So I think I'll call it a day. Now I am off to try to figure out how to get the software I don't want off of my Palm, so I can make room for what I do want! And I know it will take me 9 hours to figure it out, but I'll learn something new in the end.